Crystal Nebulae specialises in producing three-dimensional sculptures of astronomical objects. We draw on the expertise of top professional astronomers to bring together the latest data in order to produce scientifically accurate representations of these objects. The sculptures are generated by firing an ultra-precision YAG laser into 6cm cubes of optical quality K9 crystal glass. This system focuses intense laser light at points inside the block, thereby generating minute (50 micro-metre) marks in the glass, which show up as tiny “frosted” marks. The resulting high-resolution three-dimensional sculptures beautifully reproduce both the intricacy of these objects and their ethereal appearance.

The sculptures are designed by Professor Michael Merrifield, Professor of Astronomy at the University of Nottingham. See the Deep Sky Video where the Crab Nebula is featured.

Perfect gifts for astronomers birthdays, Christmas and graduation.

Each sculpture is accompanied by a full-colour booklet describing the science that underlies the sculpture, and is packaged in a padded gift box. These artistic and scientific conversation pieces are available exclusively from Crystal Nebulae.

© Crystal Nebulae 2016

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